Years and years of hard work were poured out, many restless nights during this time. Early years in a business can prove challenging but also a learning lesson for the future. All the while my faith held strong. Fast forward years later my experiences early on created a passion in me to help others that are struggling. I have enjoyed for many years to help others in need in various ways. My wife, Karen shares the same passion as I. We have enjoyed working alongside each other on various Habitat 4 Humanity building projects. Karen has traveled on numerous occasions to Haiti where she works at an orphanage. We have a staff of Graduate Gemologists and love to share our knowledge of gems and diamonds. We have visited local Girl Scout Troops and helped them to earn their "Gems and Minerals" badge by teaching them many facts and showing them many gems in person.
Outside of Earth Treasures, Karen is also an Emergency Medical Technician and has been volunteering with a local squad for many years. She very much enjoys helping people in their time of need. We enjoy working together and volunteering together especially during the holidays when we serve food at a local soup kitchen. It is something that we truly look forward to at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
We were honored and truly blessed to receive a Spinnaker Award for Community Service from the Eastern Monmouth County Chamber of Commerce. We were so surprised and humbled to receive this. We celebrated with all thirty- four staff members who are more like family rather than employees. While proud of our standing in the community we all recognize that every day brings new opportunities to be shining lights to others.